I am going to do smth.

I am going to

I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth. I am going to do smth.

Мы употребляем эту конструкцию, когда:

  * мы намерены ч.-л. сделать в будущем.


 (I am going to throw a party next Saturday.)

  * мы прогнозируем к.-л. события, основываясь на происходящей


(My head is spinning. I think, I am going to fall down.

                       Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain.)

Как образуем утвердительные предложения (affirmatives):

He/she/it is going to watch/call/walk

We/you/they are going to watch/call/walk

Примеры утвердительных (affirmatives):


  1. We are going to tidy our room.
  2. You are going to tidy your room.
  3. They are going to tidy their room.
  4. He is going to tidy his room.
  5. She is going to tidy her room.
  6. It is going to rain.

Как образуем вопросительные предложения (interrogatives):

Is he/she/it going to watch/call/walk..?

Are we/you/they going to watch/call/walk..?

Примеры вопросительных (interrogatives):

  1. Am I going to tidy my room? Yes, I am.
  2. Is he going to tidy his room?
  3. Are we going to tidy our room?
  4. Is she going to tidy her room?
  5. Are you going to tidy your room?
  6. Is it going to rain?

Как образуем отрицательные предложения (negatives):

He/she/it isn’t going to watch/call/walk

We/you/they aren’t going to watch/call/walk

Примеры отрицательных (negatives):

  1. I am not going to tidy my room.
  2. We aren’t going to tidy our room.
  3. You aren’t going to tidy your room.
  4. They aren’t going to tidy their room.
  5. He isn’t going to tidy his room.
  6. She isn’t going to tidy her room.
  7. It isn’t going to rain.

Практикуемся на разных примерах:

  1. The plane is out of control. It is going to crash!
  2. My dog has been sick for over a year.I think it‘s going to die.
  3. My parents are going to buy a new car.
  4. Julia is going to apply for that job.
  5. You are going to spend all that money!!
  6. This house looks so unstable. I think it‘s going to fall down!
  7. I‘m going to marry this guy!
  8. You are not dressed properly. You are going to freeze.
  9. We are going to be partners! I’m so happy!
  10. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be OK.

(I) used to (do smth.)

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