(I) used to (do smth.)

I used to do

(I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.) (I) used to (do smth.)I used to do

Мы используем конструкцию used to …, когда:

* говорим о повторяющихся (регулярных) действиях в прошлом, которые больше не происходят.

(I used to play the piano when I was a child. But I don’t play it now.)

* говорим о фактах, которые имели место в прошлом (но не сейчас).

(I used to have a lot of dark clothes when I was a teenager.)

Как образуем утвердительные предложения (affirmatives):

I/we/you/they/he/she/it    used to   play/have/travel

Примеры утвердительных (affirmatives):

  1. I used to play the piano when I was a child.
  2. We used to play the piano when we were children.
  3. You used to play the piano when you were a child.
  4. They used to play the piano when they were children.
  5. He used to play the piano when he was a child.
  6. She used to play the piano when she was a child.
  7. It (my cat) used to play a lot when it was little.

Как образуем вопросительные предложения (interrogatives):

Did  I/we/you/they/he/she/it  use to  play/have/travel..?

        Примеры вопросительных (interrogatives):

  1. Did I use to play the piano when I was a child?
  2. Or..Did we use to play the piano when we were children?
  3. Did you use to play the piano when you were a child?
  4. Or..Did they use to play the piano when they were children?
  5. Did he use to play the piano when he was a child?
  6. Or..Did she use to play the piano when she was a child?
  7. Did it (your cat) use to play a lot when it was little?

Как образуем отрицательные предложения (negatives):

I/we/you/they/he/she/it didn’t use to play/have/travel

Примеры отрицательных (negatives):

  1. I didn’t use to play the piano when I was a child.
  2. We didn’t use to play the piano when we were children.
  3. You didn’t use to play the piano when you were a child.
  4. They didn’t use to play the piano when they were children.
  5. He didn’t use to play the piano when he was a child.
  6. She didn’t use to play the piano when she was a child.


Практикуемся на разных примерах:

  1. Laura used to like tea, but she only drinks coffee now.
  2. I used to go to bed early when I was in college.
  3. We used to have picnics in the garden.
  4. My parents used to travel a lot when they were young.
  5. Andrew used to drive a Honda.
  6. You used to play video games a lot.
  7. I used to be very lazy. But I work a lot now.
  8. This building used to be a cinema. Now it is a bank.

Практикуемся на разных примерах:

  1. Laura didn’t use to like tea.
  2. I didn’t use to go to bed early when I was in college.
  3. We didn’t use to have picnics in the garden.
  4. My parents didn’t use to travel a lot when they were young.
  5. Andrew didn’t use to drive a Honda.
  6. You didn’t use to play video games.
  7. I didn’t use to be lazy. I’ve always been a hardworker!
  8. This building didn’t use to be a cinema.

         (I) used to (do smth.) vs.(I am) used to (smth.)

Сравним предложения:


  1.  I used to drive a lot — означает, что в прошлом я постоянно был за                                                                    рулем, а сейчас нет.

I am used to driving a Honda — означает, что я привык ездить на Хонде.

  1. We used to have a dog. — означает, что в прошлом у нас была собака.

We are used to having a dog. — означает, мы привыкли, что у нас собака.

  1. Julia used to run marathons. — означает, что в прошлом Джулия часто бегала марафоны.

Julia is used to running marathons. — означает, что Джулия привыкла                                                                               бегать марафоны.

I used to do Irregular verbs

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